ADs SMS Services

What is it ?

Ads SMS are the text ads sms which run automatically on free sms services on location based conversation. In simple words, whenever a user interact with each other using our Free SMS Services (Free SMS = 80 Characters) bleow that we run ads sms of 80 characters with that conversation.

Out of the 160 characters of a standard SMS, We offers 80 characters to the user to send out their personal SMS. The rest of the characters are reserved for Advertisement or Mobitisement. Now we are providing 60 to 80 character ads to advertisers depending on the length of message people send. This way you can reach out to a large audience without the hassle of sending out promotional SMS messages and no worry about mobile number database.

ADs SMS Services

How it works ?

We place your ads at the bottom of SMS messages sent by our registered user to their contact list. When users see your ads, they can respond by either replying “MORE” or receiving more information in a new SMS message, or by clicking a link to visit your website with their mobile devices.

  • Create your own SMS ads
  • Choose targeted location
  • Set your SMS credit bid
  • We place your ad in SMS messages
  • People see your ad and respond
ADs SMS Services

Why it is useful ?

Moco live has a self-service platform that let’s brands insert ads into these SMS messages. SMS messages are used almost everywhere and by almost everyone – the reach is incredible. Advertising by placing messages at the end of an SMS is also a growing trend.

Ads SMS Advertising, which means that, will be available to all phone users, and not only Smartphone owners. There is the ability for location-based ads, personalized ads, and ads based on time of day.

The strength of Ads SMS is based on two key facts:

  • The reach of SMS far outweighs other more “advanced” options on the mobile device, as essentially every phone in the world is SMS capable.
  • A higher percentage of consumers understand how to use SMS and feel comfortable using it.

ADs SMS Services

Benefits of Ads SMS Services

  • SMS advertising is timely deliver at the exact time your advertisement will have most impact.
  • Target audience can be achieved very fast, as the medium is mobile.
  • SMS advertising is cost effective.
  • Response device is already present.
  • SMS is personal - most messages are read as soon as they are received.
  • SMS advertising response rates outstrip all other forms of advertising.
  • It's relatively cheaper than other mediums like print and broadcast.
ADs SMS Services

Features of Ads SMS Services

Thousands of text messages are sent to people everyday and with your service advertised on even a fraction of them, you are well on your way to receiving a lot of visitors and customers. You can even target your messages by locality.

  • Free footer ads on locality based.
  • Send unlimited free SMS to your buddies.
  • Messages reach your contacts within 5 seconds.
  • You can send messages to any mobile in India.
  • Import your contacts from Excel.
  • Also send group SMS to your list of contacts.
  • Send SMS reminders/ alerts to self and friends about anything.
  • The receipients themselves are brand ambassadors.