Long Code Services

What is it ?

Long Code is a 10 digit virtual Mobile Number, where a user can send a text message to interact with applications and get the desired response. It works with SMS based applications to pull information from any type of database.

Long Code is comparatively cheaper than short codes. Like Short Code you can also setup unlimited auto response for your senders, but auto response will not be free of cost like short code, here in long code out going SMS charges will be deducted from your Bulk SMS account as per plan you have taken from us.

Long Code Services

How it works ?

  • A wireless subscriber is made aware of a Long Code, whether through TV, radio, online or through an advertisement, and asked to send a text message or call the 10 digit number.
  • The wireless subscriber then addresses a text message to the Long Code number (e.g. 21*-***-****) and enters text into the message.
  • Then the wireless subscriber sends the message, it is routed through the wireless service providers' network to the Long Code messaging.
  • The wireless service provider’s messaging then determines where to route the message based on the Long Code and which application provider or brand supports / corresponds to the Long Code.
  • The application receives the message and routes it through the software application, which could include sending a confirmation or follow-up message back to the wireless subscriber who originated the message.
Long Code Services

Why it is useful ?

  • Long code services are best suited for a closed-circle messaging where business organizations do not want their customers and employees to pay a premium for outgoing SMS.
  • A 10 digit phone number just like yours, familiar and easy to use.
  • Setup- Easy and Quick Setup
  • Cost Effective- Low Monthly Rent as comparative to Short Code
  • Standard SMS Rate - As per mobile sms pricing.
  • Globally Reach - From International Locations customer needs to add +91 before Long Code
Long Code Services


  • Long Code is used for lead generation by Bulk SMS, Online Ads, TV Channels and Print Media.
  • It is widely used for mobile verification systems.
  • It is very helpful for stock checking, stocks updates, sms subscription activations, mobile ticketing, mobile opt in database system.
  • It is helpful in companies where communication is done internally for information sharing.
  • End user will be charged for normal SMS rates.
Long Code Services

Features of Long Code Services

  • Long Code Number
  • Keyword
  • As per need (subject to availability)
  • Sub Keyword
  • Sub Keywords (e.g. < Keyword > < space > < sub-keyword > )
  • Auto-Welcome
  • Set auto welcome sms & change auto replies as many times as you want.
    ( This message can be customized from control panel. You can create different welcome message for sub-keywords also. )
  • Control Panel
  • Web Based, password protected.
  • Reports
  • Instant response and real time reporting
  • Notification Mode.
  • Inbox feature in Online web panel.
    URL Forwarding to receive incoming SMS on your application.
    Response can be forwarded to your URL.
    Excel MIS download for offline lead tracking.