Voice calls are prerecorded voice messages (in a language understood by a common majority or popular in a local district) to a mobile or landline networks across the country. It is a simple communications technology that blasts a recorded voice message to thousands of call recipients in a very short period of time. Voice calls are automated calls which involves automated dialing to hundreds of numbers at once using computer managed lists, playing a pre-recorded message to automatically dialed mobile or landline numbers.
No person or agent is required to talk with the receiver of the automated call. The receiver of voice call simply listens to the recorded voice message.
Our voice broadcasting service allows you to send pre-recorded voice message to hundreds or even thousands of mobile and landline phones with ease while managing the entire process right from the Web.
Simply follow the below steps:
With the alarming growth of mobile subscribers in India, mobile marketing strategy has become almost inevitable for the marketers. With the universal reach of voice SMS (independent of handset & SIM), bulk voice calls or outbound dialers have a very important role to play in reaching this large Indian target audience in their local language and with high emotional connect provided by voice SMS.
With over 85% of Indian population being non-english speaking, marketers choose Bulk Voice SMS or Outbound Dialer as a solution to reach the customers in their regional language to create a personal touch.